Canada – Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) | CFAT Ready

Canada – Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT)

In Canada, the standardized test used to assses recruits for the military is called the CFAT.

The purpose of the Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) is to help determine to which specific military occupations you suit best.

There are two versions of the test. You can either do it by hand or do an electronic version called the electronic Forces Aptitude Test (eCFAT).

The CFAT divided into three components:

  1. Verbal Skills – 15 questions (5 minutes)
  2. Spatial Ability – 15 questions (10 minutes)
  3. Problem Solving – 30 questions (30 minutes)


The use of paper, pens, pencils and erasers are allowed. You can not  have any books, notes, dictionaries, thesaurus, writing paper, calculators, calculator watches, or any other sort of aid in the test room.


NOTE: We are a private company, and in no-way associated or related to the Canadian Forces / Canadian government.

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