FAQ | CFAT Ready



Why should I register for CFAT Ready instead of other CFAT test preparation services?

CFAT Ready team consist of current training specialists and exam writers. All our content and exams have been reviewed by these professionals. Our easy to use software, allows you to time yourself in the exams, measure your performance, and understand your strengths and weaknesses. We believe in our product, that  why we offer better price then any of our competitors with a success guarantee.


What is included in the registration?

Our current package offers a wide range of full-length practice exams for the following:

  • 5 full practice exams to prepare you for the eCFAT
  • Psychological Testing Preparation
  • Basic Math and  English Resources and Teaching Material for your eCFAT exams
  • Interview Preparation
  • Sample Fitness Test Preparation Exercises

Are there any free sample questions that I can complete before deciding to register?

YES. We encourage you to complete our sample eCFAT test to experience our program. Simply enter your email address into our subscription box, and you will immediately receive access to our free sample eCFAT prep test in your inbox.


How long do I have access to the CFAT Ready system?

Our memberships are valid for up to twelve months from the date of registration. In the case that you do need to extend your membership, we would happily do so, free of charge.


What are the options for available methods of payment?

We currently allow for payment through MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and PayPal.


Are there any hidden costs or recurring fees upon registration?

NO. There are absolutely no hidden costs or recurring fees upon registration.


I have registered for a CFAT Ready membership, but I don’t know where to login to the training program.

There are two ways to login to the eCFAT Training program. You may click on the Members Login button at the top right corner of the CFAT Ready website or you may directly visit the login page on your Internet browser.


I am trying to access the CFAT Ready training program but the system shows an error message “Error. Wrong username or password!“. What should I do?

You are seeing this error message because you have entered an incorrect username or password. The email address that you have used to register for your CFAT Ready membership will be your account username. When you first registered for your CFAT Ready membership, you will automatically receive (usually within a few seconds) a randomly generated password that will be sent to your email. The randomly generated password should look something like BAUcQaVZ1a. The CFAT Ready login system is case-sensitive, so make sure you enter the password in the correct letter cases or simply copy and paste the password. Once you have successfully logged into the CFAT Ready training program, you may click on the My Account button in the main menu and the My Information button in the lower menu to change your password to something that you can remember.


CFAT Ready

Does CFAT Ready  provide anything other than practice tests?

YES. CFAT Ready offers assistance on the physical testing component, the interview process, building your resume, and the psychological evaluation.


How many questions does each test have?

A brief overview of the test that is included in the CFAT Ready program is available on our About the Exams page. You may also register for a free trial account to view the testing structure within our system.


Is the program directed by someone with qualified experience ?

Yes. CFAT Ready has been specifically developed with the assistance of  exam writing professionals.


Can I contact anyone if I have specific questions not covered by the site or if there is something that I am confused about?

Yes. We are here to assist you in any way possible. Simply visit the forum to see if one of our representatives has already answered a question that you might have. Still not sure? Contact us.


What type of technology is necessary to take the CFAT Ready  program?

Basic technical requirements to access the CFAT Ready program includes access to the Internet and an installed version of an Internet browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox. Please ensure there is no delay or disruptions with your Internet access while running the CFAT Ready program which may result in an inaccurate timing during your test performance.


Additional Questions

Are the tests available in other languages?

No. All tests available at this point are in English. Translation of our prep materials to other languages will be considered if we feel it is necessary to meet these demands.



Can I print the test materials?

At this point, we are in the process of putting together a printable e-test booklet as an alternative eCFAT preparation resource for our registered CFAT Ready members.


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