Informative | CFAT Ready

The Seven Steps To Getting Accepted Into The Canadian Armed Forces

Last Updated: May 10, 2011

1.  Somehow you have heard about employment opportunities in the Canadian Armed Forces. Maybe you saw something     on the internet or you saw an advert in a magazine. As long as you are at least 16 years old, a citizen of Canada     and have at least a Grade 10 or Secondaire III qualification, then you [….]

What Sort Of Medical Exam Must I Pass To Be Accepted By The CAF?

Last Updated: March 31, 2011

eople interested in joining the CAF are always concerned about being fit enough to pass the Medical Exam. Obviously the Military are in need of healthy, active personnel, but how healthy must you be? Not all of you pump iron and run 10 miles a day before breakfast and some people smoke etc.Here is a brief synopsis [….]

How To Successfully Complete The CAF Aptitude Test

Last Updated:

I often hear stories about the difficulty of the Canadian Armed Forces Aptitude Test and I can tell you from personal experience that there is a lot of misconception attached to these tales. Yes, to the average person the questionsappear to be difficult, but people with a keen IQ, the spirit to accept a challenge and [….]

Canadian Armed Forces Recruitment Criteria

Last Updated:

Not just anyone qualifies to be a member of the Canadian Armed forces. There are certain requirements that you mustmeet before you can even consider filling in the online Employment Application Form or E-application as it issometimes called. It is not just a case of showing up and sitting the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT). [….]

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