Truth, Duty And Valour Above All. | CFAT Ready

Truth, Duty And Valour Above All.

June 15, 2011

If you are thinking about enrolling to become an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, this overview will give you a quick walkthrough.
There are a number of Officer Entry Programs, the Primary one being the Regular Officer Training Plan. This plan involves education at the Royal Military College or alternatively at a civilian Canadian university. The next preferred means of entry is as a Direct Entry Officer, these candidates already hold a University Degree or Technical Diploma in a suitable profession. The final type of entry program is a subsidized deal whereby medical and dental students (Medical Officer Training Plan and Dental Officer Training Plan) can apply for the last three years of their studies to be subsidized provideda period of obligatory service in the CAF is entered into by the applicant.
Apart from the educational requirements mentioned above you, must demonstrate the capacity and courage to take command and lead in any given situation or operational theatre description. The principles laid down by the CAF when performing your duties are:Lead by example. Motivate and inspire those for whom you are responsible.Pride and Loyalty. Be true to Canada and her people, take pride in all that you do.Honour and Integrity. Moral and Ethical values must be paramount in all your decisions. Embrace the strength that diversity brings and allow no discrimination, cruelty or ill-treatment to cloud your conduct and decisions.Be professional. Respect and uphold the law, the traditions and customs of the CAF, and honour the memory of thosewho fell in the fight for freedom, men and women.
You will, as an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, show your readiness to live and die for these basic principles and to hold truth, duty and valour above all.

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