The Seven Steps To Getting Accepted Into The Canadian Armed Forces | CFAT Ready

The Seven Steps To Getting Accepted Into The Canadian Armed Forces

May 10, 2011

1.  Somehow you have heard about employment opportunities in the Canadian Armed Forces. Maybe you saw something     on the internet or you saw an advert in a magazine. As long as you are at least 16 years old, a citizen of Canada     and have at least a Grade 10 or Secondaire III qualification, then you stand to be accepted as a recruit. Once you     have established that you meet the basic criteria for employment in the Armed Forces, you are ready to start the     rest of the process. cialis 5mg once day generico

2 find out this here. Fill in the application form which is available at your nearest CAF Recruitment Centre (or online) and submit it by     mail, in person or online. Note that you still need to submit all application forms and personal documents by mail     or in person after completing the online application. viagra 25

3. While you wait to hear if your application was successful, the Armed Forces puts your application through a     rigorous rating test called the Priority Processing Procedure also known as reliability screening.

4. If all goes well you will be asked to sit the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) to help determine specific military     occupations for which you are best suited. You must pass this test in order to continue the process so it is    important to study and prepare for it well in advance.

5. After completing the Aptitude Test successfully you will be required to undergo a Medical Examination.The medical     procedure is in three parts: A health questionnaire, a physical examination and a medical file review.

6. The physical fitness test is the last step of the journey.You must pass this test and are encouraged to complete the   “Pre-Enrolment Physical Fitness Evaluation” that is found in the Physical Fitness Guide.

7. Finally, selection and a job offer that will enable you to enrol in the Canadian Armed Forces. Congratulations! viagra 50mg price in pakistan

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