The Three Environments And The Four Commands. | CFAT Ready

The Three Environments And The Four Commands.

March 31, 2011

The Canadian Forces is a ‘single service’ force that has three environments. They are the Navy, the Army and the Air Force. Taking control of sea, land and air, their mission is to serve Canada by protecting its interests and defending itsvalues and sovereignty at home and abroad.
At home, the Navy patrols and safeguards the outer perimeters of defense. In co-operation with other government bodies its duties include; search and rescue operations, humanitarian assistance and fishery/drug patrols. Globally the Navy keeps a high profile and participates in joint Canada/U.S.and NATO exercises.
The Canadian Army is responsible for highly trained, combat ready troops able to meet any threat on home ground. It has an international record of being a proud and fearless fighting force and justifiably so, with its many awards for bravery in the line of duty. It is also well-equipped to respond to conflicts on an international stage.
Canada’s Air Force defends and patrols our air space. Ranging far and wide it is also involved in ‘inaccesible terrain’ search and rescue missions. The Air Force airlifts military personnel, military transport vehicles and disaster relief supplies. It takes a leading role in multi-national missions and represents Canadas effort in maintaining  global stability.
The Four Commands are operational structures which co-ordinate and create a synergy among the Three Environments. They are, in very broad terms:

1. Canada Command. (CANADACOM) Which is a ‘one point of contact’ or umbrella body for all of the Canadian Forces’s defence systems in Canada and North America.

2. Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM) Responsible for all Canadian Forces operations outside North America.

3. Canadian Special Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) Special Operations Forces in high-readiness for duty involving conflict at home and abroad.

4. Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM) All Canadian Force missions are provided with operational support from this command such as logistics and engineering.

And now that you know, the Fifth Command is “Get down to your recruitment centre immediately”.

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